I remember that when my mother was in college she worked part-time as an assistant to some horrid rich person who is listed in the Blue Book of Society. I don't know very much else about that. Of course, horrid Cori could never get herself listed in the Blue Book in a million years, especially with her rotten attitude and continual temper tantrums and screaming fits. Cori has no business bossing me around that way, and then "firing" me when I didn't want to be taking orders from her in the servile way she expected, especially when she doesn't pay my salary and is only a Spoiled Rotten District Brat. She is skilled in the art of being a nuisance, and she is not smart enough to be embarrassed of her own bad behavior.
Agreeing to room with Cori was a huge mistake. No, actually I don't want to make a lifetime commitment to such a horrible person as her. Sometimes so-called "friends" are not worth remembering.