Saturday, May 7, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, why are these cliquey snobs from Michigan always so full of themselves and not much else? I would prefer not to discuss so much personal business with persons who are mostly strangers to me which is why I would prefer to just use Bible verses, because God's Word everyone can agree on. Everything else is just your uninformed opinion. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers? I always was very reluctant to talk about personal things so why are they throwing out all these personal signals from a distance, as if to lure me? Realistically, they should not be aware of my existence. And yet their signals are filled with personal information that they obviously got from some confused source. Truth be told, I never had any particular fondness for the snobs of Michigan and I resent their attempts to compel me to communicate when obviously they are only going to use anything I say against me. I never had the slightest connection to Michigan. Maybe we could sell Michigan to the Canadians and be rid of these nasty Michiganders.