Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Which Reminds Me

When I went on the desert biology field trip during college there were two science teachers in two different vans. In one van were Cori and her gang of haughty arrogant cliquey snobs. In the other van were myself and some other miscellaneous stray people whose names I cannot recall. Arriving back at the dorm afterwards, Cori announces to me that she group studied with Marilyn and got a 98 A+ on the final exam. No one is saying that Cori is not clever in her own way. And what did I get? Well, I studied alone and got a 92, an A- that will average out to an A on the report card. When I said this, Cori flew into a rage and stormed out of the room. Whatever she did after that point I have no idea. I only know that I indeed did get an A in desert biology on the final report card. So whatever Cori might have said about that behind the scenes matters not to me.