Monday, May 23, 2016

Which Reminds Me

I played by the rules of Sorry and yet they forced me to lose the game. What nerdy geek bothers to read the paper with all the rules of the game? No, it is not about the fine print. It's just about whatever they say. They were not aware of this obscure rules that allows me to skip around the board so therefore the rule no longer exists, because, like I said, it's not about the printed rules. It's just about whatever they say are the rules. So probably I shouldn't have gotten angry and flung a yellow piece on the floor and broke it and then stomped out of the room when the element of luck did not go my way that time. Even so, I prefer to play by the rules of the game, because anyway, there are many things they don't know. They are just bluffing their way to nowhere in my opinion. And yet if they kill me first I won't be able to protest later. I will just be dead later and it will just be whatever they said. So, yes, there is a certain logic to their game, and yet I don't care what they say.