Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Which Reminds Me

In ancient times, the sins of people were noticed by external burn marks evident on their skin, people were flogged and branded and tied to scaffolds and tormented in various ways as a memorial of their many wrongoings, but in these modern times we don't do that. We no longer use such barbaric methods of torture so we don't know who the sinner is or is not just by the branding marks on their faces.

So just because someone has freckles on their face, that does not mean necessarily that they are a sinner.

Unless you speak Spanish, in which language the word for "freckle" is "peca" and also the word for he/she "sins" is "peca." Strange coincidence is this of the Spanish language. Does this word "peca" necessarily mean "sin" or is this case of a word that has more than one meaning: "freckle" or "sin"? In my opinion, the latter case, that of two different meanings, applies, but I suppose you will want to mindlessly follow John's directions anyway, because you don't care about being wrong. You just want to be on the side of power, no matter what the word actually means.