Monday, December 3, 2018

Which Reminds Me

And if the Lord should have need of a Maltese donkey, what is that to you, Italian whiners? Would that be a problem for the Italian whiners if the Maltese donkey should have job to do?

But of course that has nothing at all to do with me. I have no interest or place in the internal life of Sicily v. Malta. I am neither Maltese nor Italian, nor do I have any thought of the British Traffords who maintain a house there, not exactly the castle in England where Tudors were hosted but probably a nice place to go on vacation if you are a Trafford. However, unlike the Traffords, our Strickland ancestors are very far removed from any thought of Malta or Italy, fortunately for us, having come to America in the 1600s or 1700s. Italy is the farthest thing from our minds, most of the time. Our lives are in America now.