Thursday, December 6, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing Jill and Linda talking about how some people had gone to, or they were considering going to, an Anglican church there in California. I never did that, only heard them talking about that. Whether they eventually went Anglican I really have no idea because I never really checked back with them to see what happened. I do remember that people were making some points about Anglicanism being considered somewhat treasonous and anti-American due to it being directly supervised by England, whereas Episcopalianism somehow avoids that problem even though it is also considered an offshoot of the Church of England as also Methodism or Wesleyanism, which offers immunity from Catholic meddling, although I do not understand what is to fear in that regard when the AG is just another Protestant denomination, although with a certain Evangelical Pentecostal distinctive, and yet not Roman Catholic. Someone upstairs has gotten their wires crossed, obviously, notwithstanding the quadrangular punning.

Which reminds me that the high school classmates who attended the Union Church were somehow confused on this point, imagining that to be the only Protestant church on the planet and that all U.S. citizens were somehow required by law to attend only the Union Church, doubtless an unwritten law that no one ever heard of, where did they get that idea? Don't you know that my parents were AG missionaries there and that we of course attended only AG churches? Wouldn't that look sort of weird for us to attend the "Union" church there when our job is to be serving the AG churches in various ways? Why all of this ridiculous hullaballoo from clueless Tom and Tinkers? I am very annoyed with their attitudes. Needless to say. Why is it that my clarifications never get anywhere?