Saturday, February 16, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that my parents burned some books that were at the little school, probably mostly certain ones that were kept locked away by Mrs. Richardson in a certain closet because there were a few of them that she had considered too naughty for children. I vaguely remember glimpsing some wild thing that was said to be of Swedish origins, but we did not have the luxury of browsing through those books in the closet because Mrs. Richardson mostly would not allow it. Although it does seem strange that Dawn knows so much about that.

After I left, and also Mrs. Richardson moved away to Africa immediately after my 8th grade graduation, and I was attending a different school, it seems that the rules of the book closet became more lax, or so I seem to hear about children spending much time in the closet. Perhaps Carol could explain that more clearly because I was not there at the time so I do not remember how it came about that there was a request that some of the books be burned. I was already gone so it just didn't matter to me. I always had plenty of books to read. What books were burned I actually cannot remember.

My Dad always preaches that we should be careful about what we read and watch we see, due to the principle of Garbage In = Garbage Out. Some rubbish just isn't worth putting in the brain.

But of course, if you have ever read the entire Bible all the way through from cover to cover, which Mrs. Richardson often recommended doing on an annual basis, you will already know that the Bible has plenty of scandalous and shocking stories that are there perhaps to serve as a dire warning about what not to do.

So take heed, take warning. Be warned.