Saturday, February 2, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing these references to Cuba vs. Puerto Rico, but myself not being related to Libby, who married a Puerto Rican, holds no meaning for me. And then they were saying that the wife of Bobby Bueno, whom we at first thought was of Italian roots, perhaps is also somewhat connected to Cuba, which has not been explained to us in any comprehensible way that we would be able to comment intelligently on these points, and if they are Cuban exiles in Panama, not really the United States, then whatever, perhaps they have made their own arrangements with the authorities, which is no concern of mine, to marry the Buenos to Cuba, although I really wouldn't know. One of our high school classmates was a Cuban exile, Lorena Castro, and also one of our Spanish teachers was also a Cuban exile in El Salvador, which is an interesting factoid, although I really don't know very much about that, to elaborate on political points that were not discussed in the classroom, and their politics does not necessarily translate directly or neatly into equivalent U.S. parties, and anyway high school does not really define the entirety of my identity, these are only the circumstances of high school, not really the end of the story, needless to say.