Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that although I voted for George multiple times, I have yet to find any benefit personally for myself in this agenda of Black Irish folderol. Sometimes there are no reasonable choices at the voting booth, only a citizen's duty to make the binary choice. One is the winner so the other must of necessity be the loser. And even the winner often shows no interest in working to implement my agenda, only that of hostile and enemy players, because that is how politicians are by nature, easily turned aside by various pressure groups and power players and money and political contributions, thus being overly dependent upon whichever way the wind is blowing at the moment, which is why it is wise to understand that their political job is not necessarily going to be of any interest or assistance to me. Thus I really do not care very much about politicians in general, never mind the idiotic rantings of some vacuous political consultants whose continued employments is amazing to behold, given that they have nothing intelligent to say when only fishing for confidential information that is actually none of their business.