Thursday, July 18, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have recently perused the MetLife insurance claim paperwork that was filled out and possibly filed by cousin Richard in 2003 claiming about $42,000 in losses due to the robbery, breaking and entering Richard's house and taking of the jewelry of his late departed mother, some gold dust, and some guns. The list of guns taken is appended to the paperwork for your reference if perchance you can read that from where you are, or maybe not. Whatever. Now, if you were to find some gold dust floating downstream on Sutter's creek, probably everyone would be congratulating you on your good luck. Finders keepers may be one of the survival laws of the jungle. But as it happens, I do not remember whether Richard ever mentioned to us whether he was ever able to collect on the claim. Where is the police report of the burglary and the gun registration paperwork? I do not know anything about this and anyway there is nothing that I
would need to discuss with the clerk at the insurance company or whoever you are. It was not my stuff. It belonged to them.