Thursday, July 4, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember going through that book by Paul Bettex, "Wholly for God," and I remember that, although he was from Germany or Switzerland and had attended a school in the United States, he talked about traveling on foot through Argentina and Chile, camping in the mountains of Chile and eating meals that miraculously appeared while he was sleeping, supplied perhaps by angels, and then later he went to the United States, and served for a while as a teacher at some college in the Midwest, and he also went to California and Azusa Street and became an early Pentecostal missionary to China, where he married a British missionary with a fortune, and then later he was martyred, killed by an angry mob for no apparent reason, and his body was found thrown into a shallow grave, and is buried somewhere in China last I heard.

Bettex in his book never exactly mentions doing any birdwatching in South America. Anyway, I do not have any other "special" extra information about the Bettex angle on these points.