Thursday, May 27, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, if only I had some unique angle to sell and cash in on this point, wouldn't that make my life so much easier, especially my finances. Mr. Borges, who wrote the book on the Azores Island connection, later committed suicide (in 1873) by shooting himself with a pistol due to his financial difficulties. And you were asking why have I not followed Borges' example and done the same to myself? You were insisting that I should do suicide. And yet something might have been lost to humanity if I had passed earlier than now, so I am content to still be here on the planet breathing and toiling through this vale of woe, this valley of the shadow of death, while waiting for my turn to go. And your point was? Everything that I need to know about that is publicly available in the public dictionary for all to see. Shoot yourself, Bueno brats. So you see, it is not for monetary gain that I have hung on this long, given the tax and spending that it requires.