Monday, May 10, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the Coles should not be taking it so personally that I decided not to work for them, because I had a different job offer at nearly the same time and decided to go that route instead, for whatever reasons I had at the time, whether that was a good idea looking back matters not, given that a road taken automatically eliminates the Coles from future involvement in my personal life, obviously. But the Puerto Rico thing was only one year and then I was gone to yet another job, where there was some Cuba, and after a couple of years I was gone on to something else, so looking back I don't see where Puerto Rico has anything to say to me this much later. But if there were another job offer, I might consider its benefits and decide one way or another. I should be working, probably, but then again I often think that I can do better than that, even if the opportunities are not available at the moment.