Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember the time in Central Florida when I was interviewing that German exchange student and the woman who was her host while studying here. The host woman mentioned that she has gotten sand in her shoes, an expression meaning that she has gotten used to Florida and will not be leaving. which expression I had not previously heard but since then I have heard that said multiple times, and that is almost the only thing that I can remember about that event. So anyway,  I wrote the complimentary article that was required for my work about the exchange student soon to be returning to Germany to resume her studies enrolled in some program for extremely bright persons. Ok, so that's nice. She has a German accent but while in America working to improve her English skills. And as for me, I did my job, and nothing more is required of me in regards to the German exchange student and I do not wish to continue this conversation. Nothing more is required of me in regards to that.