Thursday, March 2, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember a time during high school, when I was invited to visit my friend Caroline, and being over at her house, their family was going somewhere, so I ended up in the van with her and her half-sister Rhina and half-brother Noel, and some other little kids, and they stopped at the bank, and Carol was to sign a check to get some money out of the bank, and she could not remember what her signature was suppoed to be. She had invented some sort of flourish by way of signature, and later had forgotten what she had done. So her stepmother seemed to be somewhat frustrated about that. She would take the check into the bank and come bank more than once saying the teller would not accept the check and having her sign it again or sign another check. However, I was not privy to their private financial arrangements because I never asked about any other details of that. That was the only thing I saw.