Monday, March 20, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was unfortunate for me that I ever came into contact with John and Bonnie, but I did not know that until later, because after all of that my mothers tells me what Bonnie did in Nicaragua. Oh, I did not know that. And I am not quite that bad, but why belabor the point? Who really cares about those dull bores anyway? But I should be more grateful for small things. We should not be throwing all our relationships out the window due to politics. 

You were saying something about the money that funded her father's ministry, a point to which I had not given much thought. He was certainly a unique person, with a unique blend of talents and background, of German heritage, yet born and raised in Puerto Rico so he spoke the language in a very fluent way, and was able to triangulate with the natives in a way that most white people can never do. Ok, so, that's nice for them.