Sunday, December 19, 2010


I can't have all these cats meddling in my stuff and throwing their little hissy fits and shrieking and howling all night long outside my window. And, anyway, Cats is old hat nowadays. Its Broadway run ended in 2000 in case you had not heard and that is the way it goes with Broadway cats. One day they are hot stuff and the next day they are fired and there is another cat in the wings waiting to take their place and the old cats are not allowed back on the premises, not that I would know anything about that. This is just another reminder to these cats that they do not own the show. The show belongs to the producers and the writers. The performers are just little cogs in the wheel, like for example that filthy slut Heather Catto Kohout and her filthy wicked family. Hideous Heather will be rotting in hell for the rest of her life as far as we are concerned, or at least I speak for myself. Nobody cares that they worked for Nixon. They made lots of money working for the president so they have no reason to be wreaking havoc on us. We did not do anything to them. Perhaps they were actually part of the president's problem, at least much that much is becoming clear. If the Cattos expect me to say anything nice about them they will have to do something nice for a change instead of always buzzing around as if they were the Antichrist Emperor of the Universe. It just doesn't fit the picture. Someone really should punish the Cattos bigtime for their rotten attitudes because they stink. Like they say, if you can't win at least die trying to beat them down.