Monday, December 27, 2010


Isn't that funny how the Narnian Ice Queen is pictured on the television screen as a Scandinavian woman with flowing blond locks? I had not thought about this before, the book not really requiring racial thoughts of the reader, unlike the movie, but perhaps C.S. Lewis was onto something. Isn't there something positively evil about these Scandinavian women who slither around like snakes and pretend to be nice and charming and yet never really have anything to say? Never unload any of your personal thoughts to these blond devils. You will spend the rest of your life wishing you had never met them. Just leave them guessing because, really, they are not sincere in wanting to know you. They just want to make you look bad so as to make themselves feel better by comparison. It is not like they are really that good. It is just a game they play.