Sunday, December 12, 2010


Jack Garlit Jr. is nobody really, just another MK guy, one of those guys who we girls are made to feel obligated to, as if we are their slave girls, their objects of convenience, as if we are required to be their public relations agents and help promote their wonderfulness while they do nothing to help us not that we would dare ask for help, as if when he asks me to write to him that I am required to believe that he sincerely wants to be my friend and that I really should do whatever he says and actually write to him, and so I did. As if he ever cared about anyone except himself. My sister also wrote to him and it was pretty clear that Jack really liked my sister more than me and so he wrote back to her but not to me. That is fine with me. I can take a hint very well. It is not like I would ever be caught writing Jack ever again. Jack might be surprised to learn that not a stray thought of Jack ever crosses my mind. Jack married Donna anyway and then he divorced Donna and married Jackie and so he will never make it back to the missionary life anyway. Jack is just another casualty. Jack is nobody really.