Monday, December 20, 2010


I wholeheartedly confess that I do things mainly for myself and my own best interests and this is for the good of all. If I truly am doing what is in my own best interests, and not being too greedy or too self-abnegating, then everyone will benefit and no one is harmed. This is a basic economic principle of free market economics and not a problem that anyone should complain about in my opinion. I am no sympathizer of Max the Marxist and his gang of whiny losers. I found this quote on the Internet and I tend to agree:

"There is absolutely nothing wrong and there is absolutely everything right in advancing one’s self-interest.  It is a sign of self-respect....And if you fail to take care of your self-interest, you may likely perceive the other party to be “unfair” or to be to “blame” for your failures.  Failing to recognize the other’s said motivations to take care of their own self-interest is an abdication of personal responsibility that ultimately leads to frustration, blame and regret."

Yes, so there is no problem with me doing what is in my own best interests. This is normal. It would be weird to not do what is in the best interests of myself and those I love. You are the problem because you abdicated your personal responsibility and now you are trying to blame me when it is actually your problem. Sorry but I can't help you.

Marxists, on the other hand, tend to think that social equality is the goal. Everyone must be torn down to the same level of bestiality so that there is no judgment day for those who conform to collectivist norms. All is for the collective and the collective is for all. This idea makes the need for a Savior meaningless because mankind saves himself through social and political activities.

Yes, there is the Tragedy of the Commons. If too many individuals all act in their own self interests the resource will be depleted and nothing will be left for anyone to enjoy. That is why we have organizations and denominations, etc., to manage resources and regulate and resolve all of these issues. No one ever said we could go back to the garden. It is never that simple. It is very complicated.