Friday, December 17, 2010


Yes, isn't that funny, the genocidal Spanish fascists of Chile pretending to be the champions of the Mayan race. Ha ha ha! We all know that many Indian peoples of Chile have long since gone extinct. The Spanish tend to give high priority to genealogy and tracing your lineage back to Spain so the Indian people historically were at a disadvantage socially unless they could marry into the Spanish family tree. This type of genocide and racial domination was how the Spanish conquered America. I am not saying what they should or shouldn't have done. I don't remember even discussing this point. It's just a well-known fact that the Spanish conquistadores seemed to imagine their genetic composition is their gift to the Indians, like raping the Indians is doing them a favor. So I suppose that whoever has the power can do whatever they want. That is the way it works in a dog eat dog world. There are no easy answers to some dilemmas of history and I really do not want to think about this very much because it is a question that is too big for me and cannot be answered. Only God knows and understands some things. I am not saying it is right. It is just a page right out of history. We have all read the history books.