Thursday, September 4, 2014
Which Reminds Me
Oh yes, now I do remember that Tana Aivaz did say something about having gone to the talent agency with someone and having there seen on the office wall many photos of the agency's clients, many would-be stars and starlets. Yes, many people try that route. Fine, ok, so that's nice. I had declined the opportunity of going there in the first place and nothing that Tana said made me regret my decision not to go there so you will not find my photo on the talent agency wall no matter how hard you try to believe otherwise. Who did Tana go there with? I don't quite remember, but I do remember that Melia Powell did a great job in the college production of a play similar to "Hello Dolly," so even though Melia is rather overweight and ugly she is a very good character actress and very bent on a theatrical career, even though probably she would not quite get the heroine role. Melia was saying that the casting of Barbra Streisand was a mistake because the original role calls for a somewhat older spinster than the one portrayed in the movie. Yes, I did overhear Melia saying that to someone although she wasn't talking to me. She married Robert Pommier who I vaguely remember from something, just another drama aficionado. I don't know whether those two ever quite realized their theater ambitions. I never really heard anything else about them.