Saturday, November 29, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, doesn't everyone know that Stephanie was the type of dreary Brit who goes around shooting at Yankees and giving Merry Old England a bad name? I certainly would not be interested in playing the role of Patty's fairy godmother. I will defer that role to Stephanie because I see how these Mexicans play dumb and stroke British egos by looking "up" to them as fairy godmothers when actually they are just politicking, obviously. It does the flatter the ego to be sought for advice and that ploy might work for a while but it is not like these brownies will always need a British fairy godmother around to pick up after them. I am just saying that my personal identity should not be based on what these yappy little Mexican dogs are demanding at the moment, because really their ideas of white people are sometimes so incredibly weird. I never claimed to be an extraterrestrial, angel, or giantess. How ridiculous. Not to be mean or anything but I have my own life to live.