Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Which Reminds Me

One day in the ninth grade I was sitting there minding my own business in, maybe it was study hall, and I did notice that Marion and Ronit were deeply engrossed in some heavy conversation, although I could not really hear that details of that, or else I really don't remember. I only remember that Marion at some point said to Ronit that she really likes to get Ronit's advice. Marion thinks that Ronit gives very good advice. So I suppose that's nice, although I really would not be able to explain what they were talking about. I suppose that Marion remembers seeing me sitting there in the next row or two over and wonders what I overheard, if I were to remember having overheard something, and perhaps that explains how I got somehow targeted by someone, but I really don't remember anything. We never discussed that. I really wouldn't be able to explain about Marion's problems so please leave me out of it. I have no idea.