Friday, November 25, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Whose idea was it for us, during high school, to have a field trip at a local brewery? I don't remember why we were all herded into a bus and sent on a field trip. We toured a textile factory and saw huge swaths of material as they are woven. We toured a soda pop bottling factory and saw glass bottles rattling down the assembly line. Also we toured a beer factory and saw a huge vat wherein the various botanical elements of beer are mixed together and cooked and simmered and whatever they do until it is fermented. Then they sent us to a room and sat us down at tables and put a glass of beer in front of each one of us. I followed my mother's example and only touched my tongue to the foam of it and that was enough to convince me that I don't like beer. What a disgusting mess! Joan, on the other hand, drank her glass of beer as did many others. So? It is not my place to go around telling people what to drink or not. The prohibition era ended in 1933 so we cannot legally do that anymore. All your spells and incantations cannot summon the ghosts of the Anti-Saloon League and Temperance Union. You liquor people only wish you had some temperance characters to scorn, but you will not find us next time around. We just aren't going to be there. Next time, you can just sit there all alone and drink yourself to death without any help from us. Because you should be learning to think for yourself and making your own grown-up decisions.