Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Why am I getting all these weird messages from those Cuban bores? I never had the slightest connection to Cuba. Oh, are you telling me that Debbie is Cuban? Well, I couldn't care less. Debbie was never my problem. Cuba was never my problem. Cuba is a place of no interest to me, a remote island full of desperately poor people. I was not planning to try to get something from them in regards to that. It is awkward to have those Dwaning and Dwindling whiners pretended to be related to me when actually they are only a sort of sideways in-law problem that I didn't ask for in the first place, and if I say anything about that my dear nephews will be so confused and angry with me. And if you hadn't asked that way, your voices out there twisting in the wind, then we wouldn't have to tell you what we really think about that. Which is that we are not so impressed with a system that is designed to kill you in the end, not so much me. I would have preferred not to do this. But I digress.