Monday, July 31, 2017

Which Reminds Me

It makes no difference to me who is elected to be the next big chief of our church denomination, thus to inhabit the lofty offices at headquarters. Thus it was a bit odd years ago to be hearing messages transmitted purportedly from Sharon Baldwin, now married to an Ohio man, who was accusing me of involving myself in the church elections. Actually, I wasn't paying attention to that. It had not occurred to me to ask questions about that. I really do not concern myself about such things. The big shots come and go as do the seasons so we cannot base our faith on that political stuff. Perhaps Sharon had confused us with the Methodists, who use a very different system so difficult of comprehension. But we are not Methodists, no connection to Harvey, so does that mean we don't get the big guns? Ohio's hatred of me entitles them to the big guns with which to obliterate me? So you say I should consider switching denominations, and yet where to go. I am too old to care about that political stuff. Besides, I know too much to be fooled by that. Have you no salt in yourself? We are to be a city set on a hill to light the darkness around us, all except Sharon, who apparently didn't get the message.