Friday, December 22, 2017

Which Reminds Me

I see that a few years ago I was doing some research on Carl Weaks. I seem to have forgotten who was Carl Weaks and why would I be looking up such people who also were in China, Shanghai and Hong Kong, at about the same time that my great-grandparents were there, later dying in Nashville, Tenn., in 1957? Could it be that Mr. Weaks also applied for a passport at Shanghai? Yes, you can do that, apparently. You probably should register with the U.S. consul so they know that you are there in case your dead body is found somewhere lying about or in case you inadvertently trigger some strange international incident or something. Even so, we never had the slightest connection to Carl Weaks and whatever he was doing in China, at least not that I know of. Hundreds of Americans were coming and going in Shanghai at the time. I cannot be expected to explain what all these people are doing here.