Thursday, December 28, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Our high school mascot was a Trojan, but someone was saying that there were some people who, not wanting to be considered losers of the Trojan War, preferred to call themselves the Spartans. The Spartans beat the Persians. Yes, I suppose a broken clock is right once or twice a day. But I don't remember who they were. And then someone was saying that the Spartans were combative to a suicidal extent, and then later Latins beat the Greeks and what was left of the Spartans. And the Latins and/or Romans still think they have the upper hand, that their job is to conquer us. I do not think that I need that. But of course, if you insist on the conquering role, I could always evacuate the planet and leave things at your disposal. That seems the Christian way to walk the extra mile. Let us see how you deal with the migratory crises. Don't be expecting me to say something about that. You are expected to govern yourselves in an appropriate way, but I am not allowed to be the judge of that.