Monday, December 4, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was often said of Cousin Gradin that he was always seeking, never finding. Although we once visited their house in Palm Springs when I was a child, I do not remember one thing about him. However, I have often heard the voice of his daughter Stephanie circulating in the ozone layer. She was said to be a very talented painter/artist, but with such uniquely Bohemian-style parents as hers were said to be, she cannot be said to represent the rest of the family, generally speaking. Her voice does not necessarily represent anything that we would think of saying about that, although it is said that her paintings are very successful in terms of art marketing. Whether Cousin Gradin ever found the ultimate solution that he was seeking, we really cannot say. He died and we just won't know in this lifetime whether he ever proved the Cherokee theory to anyone's satisfaction. Even so, we cannot just shove the right answers down people's throats. We must allow them in every generation to make their own decisions on whom they will serve, for better or for worse. You must decide for yourself whether to serve God or whether to serve Waldara. We really wouldn't know anything about that. Why would we?