Sunday, December 31, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I too noticed how vulgar horrid Lisa is all wound up like a top. What got her all puffed up and stuck to the ceiling I have no idea, but it does get annoying to be detecting the same old recycled and worn-out jokes over and over again from the same or similar sources because obviously they have no new material to work with. I have been very careful to mostly avoid socializing with the worthless white trash Moureclaydian gang. I don't recall ever inviting them to my house or discussing anything of a personal nature with them that they should be imagining that I owe them something. I prefer not to be dragged down to the low level of Clay. I have been very careful to avoid the wicked people of Louisiana, where the wicked depravities of Mr. Wolsey have so far seemed to go undetected by law enforcement.