Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that yesterday, or maybe it was the day before yesterday, it suddenly occurred to me to ask the question of who was the U.S. ambassador to El Salvador when I was there during high school. The list can be found on Wikipedia, and there I see the name of James F. Campbell. Hmmm... Why have I never heard of this person until day before yesterday? I don't know why I never thought of that before. I don't really think about these matters very often, but one generally assumes that Mr. Campbell or similar diplomat will take care of these diplomatic matters without me having to think about that very much, such as, for example, the issuance of my Social Security number there at the U.S. embassy. Thank you very much. It was my mother's idea to go ahead and get that to put on college applications even before returning to home to the United States. Needless to say.

Coincidentally, later at a job in California it was noticed that the first three numbers of my SSN are the same as another co-worker who got his SSN in Mexico. I am not sure how that happened. Why do I have to explain the coding of Social Security to you? Why should I be forced to clutter my brain with the most trivial bits of information only because you are so unbelievably clueless in addition to maliciously NOT funny? Don't be expecting me to do your homework for you. Needless to say.