Friday, November 16, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I did resent the way that Pam Hartless was trying to dump me in a bucket with horrible Jan and June. I do not wish to be confused with that, needless to say. Obviously as Pam was not in the room at the time she has to fish around trying to figure out who said what. Well, good luck with that. Even so, I really don't necessarily want Pam negotiating my personal relationships. Even when I did not agree with something that Jan or June said, that does not mean that I feel myself compelled to have them arrested based only on hearsay, without any sufficient evidence to present to the proper authorities, which would not be Pam, and also whatever happened to giving people the grace or space to figure out for themselves where they went wrong, as we Christians are so often scolded about. Why do I have to feel guilty about whatever they said or did, only because I was following the dictates of Thumper Rabbit, so highly tooted as good advice for all ages? What about the other ten or so people in the room at the time? Why aren't they being harassed in this way? Why am I singled out for this nonsense? Something is wrong with this picture, so go away and stop harassing me.