Monday, January 30, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was that party at Rusty's apartment across the street from the campus, and the living room was packed with people, and we all sat around watching that Star Wars parody movie, which I remembered having seen four years earlier during the first week of college, when everyone had been invited to watch that movie in the lobby of the dorms, when the lobby was packed with people milling around.

And then walking back to campus after the party at Rusty's house, who was that I was talking to, who was telling me about that Star Wars parody movie, and apparently there is a whole other story about that of which clueless me had not been informed. Didn't I remember that subliminal part that ruins the whole thing? Actually, I had not remembered that, whether because it was four year earlier or because there were many people milling around in the lobby and perhaps I had not been focused on the movie at that particular second, because I was sitting off to one side.

And also she was telling me that probably, I forget what she said exactly, who knows the details of what they did to that guy who had rented the movie and brought it to college for everyone to see during the first week of college.

And also there had been some widgets devised in regards to the principal persons who had been sitting in the couches at the center of the lobby, in cahoots with the guy who rented the movie in the first place. 

Yes, well, who knew all that stuff. I only remembered the funny parts, about the role of R2D2 performed by a vacuum cleaner and a kitchen whisk or clothes iron serving for a space ship on that low-budget parody of Star Wars. But, yes, it is unfortunate, that one thing makes it hard to care more about that.