Friday, April 14, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot help but wonder why I am getting this avalanche of junk mail. Often it does not seem to be addressed to me in particular, sometimes only "Resident" or some such, but still it arrives in my box and what am I supposed to do with all of this unsolicited information? Willard who? I was never interested in Willard Blount, he was not my type, so he was left to marry some Cuban girl, is what I heard. I am not aware of any Willard in my family tree. There is a theory that I might be six times removed from any other person on the planet, so who am I to say why the U.S. was called on to fight the Spanish-American War more than a hundred years ago. Whatever. I am not interested in learning how to do the Filipino sticky dance in their native clothing and with bamboo poles, that was Josephine's problem, not mine.