Thursday, May 4, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, once again we ponder the eternal question of whether a leopard can change its spots.

Bringing us to the matter of whatever happened to Helen's lovely book about her childhood in India. How bad or good could it be? We never had the chance to weight in on the book's faults or lack thereof, whatever the case may be. We never knew that existed, so we are not laboring under any compelling subconscious need to reproduce Helen's chatterings in the way that you seem to imagine. Helen was living in India while her father was serving as a Christian missionary there, not having any connection to some wicked Sickha witch, needless to say.

Helen's voyage home to America through Italy was recorded in a series of magazine articles, which seem to deal fairly with the classics, although drawing strange attention to the naked statue of Venus de Millo, but anyway, whatever, we have never been there so we only see what we read in books written by children assisted by their mothers.