Saturday, May 27, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, upon further digging, we find that Beverly, my mother's cousin, has been divorced from Richard Klein since 1980, that is to say, 43 years ago they were divorced. My mother once said that Beverly lives in Temecula in a house stacked with magazines, but upon further inspection we see that she lives in Tehachapi. They had a son named David, but I never met him. So why am I getting all of this mail from Klein people? I do not remember these people, don't know anything about them and their divorce from us. But if Sue continues to aggressively challenge us that way, we might have to summon the Jewish rabbis to have her shipped home to her Jewish roots, because we are Christians here and we do not like to think of it that way. We are not going to bow down and worship her as the golden idol. Needless to say.