Friday, May 19, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember contemplating the infinite number of Carter's little liver pills, not that I ever took any of that "medicine." That was only a verbal expression that can only be used in a certain abstract sort of way (or else it becomes meaningless), and is used to denote a number difficult to compute, of a countless infinity, not to be confused with any politicians of the Carter name. And it does not have much currency nowadays, being a somewhat antique form no longer much in use. So I am just saying that I doubt that we were not contemplating a political and/or legal usage for that expression, whenever it was used in casual conversation, I forget the original context. I would have to defer any questions about the Carter politics to the Georgia delegates who are the Reese's pieces. They would probably know something about that. Why are you asking me all of these useless questions I cannot answer?