Friday, September 7, 2012


Yes, it is sad that Samuel Longwell, by occupation a cook as listed, was possibly sentenced to jail and possibly spent time there although I really don't know what happened. Why did Sam take the money? Did this taking of money involve a burglary or forced entry? If so, why were these charges not included in the complaint? And if not, how could the money have been taken without the knowledge of the chiropractor? And if the chiropractor knew that the money was taken, then how could he and the other plaintiffs not know what the money part of an investment in drilling an oil well? And what did Sam actually do with the money if he did not hand all of it over to my great-grandfather? How much money in all did Sam take? What happened to the other money not accounted for by my great-grandfather's testimony? Yes, according to the diaries my great-grandfather, before turning himself in to the authorities, went out looking for Sam at some unidentified hotel or restaurant in downtown Los Angeles where Sam was employed. Why did Sam not want to turn himself in to the authorities together with my great-grandfather at that time and had to be arrested later? My great-grandfather came back and turned himself in alone. And how did Sam die? Was Sam murdered by someone, perhaps even my own Dad or other relative of mine? I cannot even imagine how that could happen but there was a hot gun floating around somewhere and lots of people have very vivid imaginations about these things, always trying to fill in the blanks with various worst-case scenarios about what might or might not have happened, as we can deduce. And then, sadly, my great-grandfather died shortly before the end of his five-year probation of some ailment. Hopefully it was not self-induced. Oddly, both his own brother and Samuel Longwell died the same year. And whatever became of Sam's daughter Yula Longwell and his son William Longwell? Yes, everyone pities them because their father was possibly sentenced to spend time in the city jail, possibly a year if that actually happened. And why are these reckless vigilantes and mobsters so convinced that my great-grandfather was not telling the truth or something? Sometimes the documents lie, too. We have to remember that. I probably would feel sorry for them too had I been aware of their existence. And why does everyone imagine my thoughts to be so much worse than reality and my high level of integrity and Christian character and my low level, yeah, non-existent level of knowledge of the facts of the case would merit. I don't think it is fair that I should be left ignorant of these events and thus left vulnerable to the antics of loudmouth sleazy mafia stooges masquerading as Baretta-like table waiters. Grandma liked watching the TV program "Baretta" but of course that was long before the actor's wife died so mysteriously. Anyway, you are perhaps wanting to get to the bottom of my Dad's smoking gun and all the things he is not telling us or pretending not to know about these events. And if there was a gun, who is to say that Sam was the target of it? I don't have a clue. You really should ask them. I do think my relatives know more about this than they are letting on.