Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The China Johnsons vs. The Triplett Johnsons

It is rather sad to see the Triplett/Johnson family fawning and bowing before the golden calf of American prosperity, a mass of glittery castle glitz to which their fondest dreams and affections are firmly and indissolubly attached. And if Jesus asked the French-fried Triplett/Johnsons to sell all of their worldly possessions and hop on a boat to China to minister to the poor and underprivileged Chinese, to forsake any future hope of worldly power and prestige and hobnobbing in the upper echelons of society, to train up native leaders who will eventually make the missionary's job obsolete, never again to see their glittery castle on a hill, would they, nay even could they obey? Or would they have some excuse as usual. Something about their own personal prestige and power being more dear to them then God and country, a bag of gold being more dearly loved by them than friend or foe. Well, we see that back in the olden days, back during the times when my great-grandparents did just that and went to China, there were also other missionaries in China who were the Johnson family, Leland and Helen Johnson to be precise, but we don't know very much about their story. I imagine they may have been acquainted with my ancestors but I really don't know anything about that. Why were the poor missionary Johnsons forgotten by their kindred Johnsons of higher wealth and status? I really don't have a clue. I just know that someone should remind somebody upstairs that our family is not descended from Leland and Helen Johnson. That is a whole different story which would be interesting to hear told in a logical and orderly fashion, not mish-mashed together into a huge disorderly mess, all mixed together with Captain Cook's explorations of the South Pacific. Someone probably could explain this if the jabberwocky blabbermouths would finally be silent and let the truth come out.