Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Nonprofit Question

Someone, perhaps Stacy or else I don't remember who, was saying something about the money to fund my nonprofit corporation assisting the orphans and street children of the world, as if I had ever contemplated the possibility of copycatting the rich and wealthy spinsters who build orphanages overseas, such as Angie Thompson in Romania or Sharon in Brazil. That 501c3 stuff may work fine for those dogs but the thought never crossed my mind. It is obvious to anyone that Sharon is too ugly and fat and dumpy and obnoxiously whiny and pretentious to ever be chosen for actual motherhood so obviously an orphanage in Brazil is such a nice and philanthropic way for her to spend the tens of thousands of surplus dollars available to her from being a hotshot human resources executive. And Angie found a Romanian orphanage to be a good place to spend the tens of thousands of dollars accumulated from working in Silicon Valley. But those spinsters are friends with Dave Hoskins, who possibly made a fortune dealing with the Russian mafia, so she has rich connections. Obviously, this picture does not fit me. My mother decided long ago that I should be single so that I could make lots of money and travel and stuff but the money never made its appearance. Thes boxes do not work very well when they are planned without taking reality into account and without faith that God will provide for me. Thus, there would be no reason for me to think of founding a 501c3, which is mainly a vehicle for rich people who are looking to avoid paying taxes, basically. It is nice that the money goes to fund good causes but anyway facilitating the tax evasion of mafia gangsters is not my idea of a good life. With a 501c3 wrapped around my neck I would have to answer to a board of directors staffed no doubt by the mindless patsies of the horrible Hoskins milieu. I would possibly have to take directions from such blithering idiots as Robbie Hoskins and thus I would not be able to listen to the Lord's leading. One would think that headquarters would by now have taken a clue and pulled the plug on the horrible Hoskins club but whatever. It is not my place to tell them what to do so I think they should get a clue and keep their own nonprofit nightmares to themselves because I am really not interested.