Sunday, September 2, 2012

Which Reminds Me

I vaguely recall at SCC a group of girls asked me to play piano accompanying their skit which featured a song from the "Chorus Line" or  some such Broadway musical which was at that time so popular. So I played their little song as they requested for the skit they had planned and they did their thing on stage and then later I remember that I got lost backstage trying to find my way out there, through a maze of wires and things that were all over the place. I apparently had made a wrong turn and was heading toward a place where I might be seen by the audience and so Rusty Wycoff snapped at me. Of course, Rusty is always angry with me so no big deal. We get used to the fact that these people are always angry with us and whining and complaining about something and then after a while we just don't care anymore. At least now I don't. At the time I was mortified.