Monday, March 24, 2014

Which Reminds Me

These hacking gamesters are obviously trying to make drama from the fact that our French cousins are now married to China, which does complicate matters a bit. The Hsu surname is that of Old China's royal family but we only learned that from other sources. They themselves have yet to explain to us why they would actively seek for themselves that infamous title, "Queen of Heaven." So the Old China hacks, seeking to foment a family conflict, are wanting to throw us to the Marxists. Except that we are neither Russian nor atheist so their plot doesn't really work for us. It just leaves us confused as to why we should care about them. Why would they go to such extremes for self-aggrandizement? As if. It is unfortunate to have these gamesters now attached to our family tree because we really don't care that much about their royalties, especially since they have yet to evince any concern for our royalties. As the Bible says, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. By which rule, carried to logical extremes, I suppose their misbehavior leaves us free to ignore their idiotic charges.