Friday, March 28, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am thinking that I would not pay two cents for Uncle Winfred's fracked out pile of rubble even if I had the money. I suppose that the crushed rock business has its financial benefits but I never got anything out of that, and anyway I really would not want the headache of trying to figure out what to do with all of that, notwithstanding my grandmother's historic note on file. It is an extremely damaged piece of land due to mining of the bedrock. How do you farm that with the topsoil gone? There was a plan to put a lake there with houses and buildings around it but that would be complicated and cost a lot of money to accomplish. And why bother? That heavy machinery package comes with a lot of shrill Cranford hags attached. I can think of better things to do than hang out with that bunch of pathetic whiners. So obviously I could not be trusted to publicly say anything nice about them, especially not now. Blah blah blah. Also there is a family cemetery attached which would require a lot of maintenance in perpetuity. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to help the Cranfords unload that pile of junk at any price but whatever. Anyway, they are not my problem now.