Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Which Reminds Me

I am suddenly reminded of my Spanish language studies in high school. I remember hearing the name of famous Spanish dramatist Lope de Vega but I do not recall having actually studied any of his works specifically. The box does contain a copy of Calderón de la Barca's "Life is a Dream," but my sister's name is on this book so that was probably her book. However, the fact that my reading list does not exactly correspond to hers or yours is an irrelevant point. I may have read some other books that you never thought of reading. Who knows? Who cares? Just because our reading lists do not exactly match, that does not mean that only your voice counts for anything. I do remember reading that 1977 book by Sheldon Vanauken, "A Severe Mercy," which I remember discussing with Carol Long, but I disagree that his point was of marital compatibility consisting entirely of matched reading lists. I think that my reading list is really none of your business. It is a personal thing between me and God.

Anyway, getting an education is not a matter of rote and memorized reading lists. It is more about being able to get at the information that is needed when it is needed regardless of whatever your high school reading list was, although reading does help in that regard.