Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Someone was saying that Miriam is very off-color in her humor. I think that it was maybe Sue who was saying that, and, well, I cannot exactly disagree with Sue on that point when actually she is correct in saying so even if Miriam does have a very quick wit and is sometimes funny in a sick sort of way. Sometimes Miriam does get carried away and does not seem to have any consciousness of how over the edge she actually is. But I guess that Miriam can get away with that sort of behavior because she knows shorthand and qualifies as an executive secretary, whereas I never did take the time to learn shorthand so obviously I cannot get away with saying anything of that sort. I would just be killed if I said even a hint of the things that come out of Miriam's weird mouth. So she is funny to listen to but I would not want to have to vomit anything that Miriam said. In addition to knowing shorthand, Miriam also hails from a swamp known as Louisiana, a scary place nowadays given what I have learned about it.