Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you only wish that my name was Linda Sease. She does look sort of whitish and also sort of darkish, could pass for an American or not, one or the other, but I really couldn't tell you what she actually is. She was in high school with us but her photo does not appear in the senior yearbook, I really couldn't tell you why not. Perhaps her family moved away and she graduated somewhere else. Anyway, it wouldn't be polite to jump to unwarranted conclusions about people's grade point averages or other personal circumstances unknown to me when that is not my job. Am I the high school counselor that I should know these things? If they want to volunteer the information when asked, or are honored on that basis, then fine, but otherwise I think it is better to not ask too many questions or you might be sorry that you asked in the first place.