Monday, August 18, 2014

Which Reminds Me

I remember at age 15 being somewhat annoyed with Sammy because he was refusing to acknowledge myself an individual with an identity separate from my sister. He would address us jointly always, so why should I answer his question when it was not addressed to me specifically? But my sister would often jump in and answer the question addressed partly to me which made it impossible to get that point cleared up. His twin sister married that somewhat repulsive toad Buzz of whom nothing is known other than they all have the same surname. So whatever. Should we make the poor hungry people to suffer because of their benefactors' antagonistic bent? No. I really see no reason to take the antagonistic bait offered. Just because Buzz doesn't know me from Miriam, that is not a reason for me to try to explain what I really don't know about her. You could always ask Susie. Susie might remember details of that as she might also know more about the unspeakably despicable things that the Spanish people did to Myrna Wilkins, a single woman missionary in Colombia or Venezuela, one of those South America countries. Ok, so she was discovered to be shaving her legs as many white American women do. Uh-huh. Ok, so whatever.