Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I always hated this idea of myself being a goldfish swimming around on display in someone's goldfish bowl. Coincidentally, when I was in college my roommate Cori had a goldfish bowl which she regularly kept clean so as to avoid the water going cloudy. Yes, well, if the fish had a name I don't recall what it was. I was the other human being in the room, the one who rebelled against the idea of Cori being my boss and barking orders at me. No, just because Cori was aiming to make herself a manager at the local Del Taco fast food establishment where she worked at the time, that did not make her college roommate an employee of that same fast food place. I should not even have to explain these obvious points but these people are so amazingly dense, so obstinately determined to be utterly insulting and to make my life utterly miserable in whatever way then can. And tackling their stupid points only ties up my time in unproductive ways, thus leaving me trapped in the fishbowl and unable to escape the wickedness of these buzzards picking at my bones.